Filipino La.

Archive of Filipino Louisiana

Documentation of the history and culture of Filipino communities in Louisiana

Miguel Guillera to US Navy (Philipino Colony Bar)

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Miguel Guillera to US Navy (Philipino Colony Bar)


Letter Inquiring About Citizenship


Letter written by Miguel Guillera, proprietor of the Philipino Colony Bar and Refreshment Co., to the US Navy regarding his citizenship status.


Miguel Guillera


Guillera, M. (1940, August 21). Letter. [Miguel Guillera writing from New Orleans to U.S. Navy to request his citizenship papers]. Department of Post Office Civil Service Record. (Service Number 001858278). National Archives. St. Louis, MO.


August 21, 1940


jpeg from scan of paper archive

Letter Item Type Metadata


Dear Sir:

I enlisted in the U.S.Navy in Sept.11,1908 when the First lot of Filipinos were taken into the U.S.Naval Service at the time the U.S.Fleet came to Manila,P.I. I served in the U.S.S.Kansas for the whole four year enlistment. I was Honorably Discharged at Hampton Road, Va. in sept.10,1912 and went home to Phila.Pa. where I made my home. On Oct. 29,1912, I re-enlisted at Phila. for four years, and stationed in the U.S.S. Kentucky until we were sent to México on the U.S.S, Sacramento for occupation and we staid there about 6 months, and I was transfered to U.S.S.Arkansas. Then we sailed for Brooklyn Navy Yard. Then about Oct.1914, I purchased the Balance of my Enlistment as my family was growing large.I was given Hon.Dis. again.

Just before, I was first Hon.Disc. on the U.S.S. Kansas, I had applied to Capt.J.A.Hoogewerff,U.S.N. Commanding Officer of U.S. Kansas for my US Citizenship, But I never got it somehow and of course I am in doubt of my citizenship right now and I am asking you sir if I can get my paper through the Department. I have always believed and consider myself a U.S. Citizen, as I was brought up here by the U.S., have come of age in the US, neither my father nor I have sworn to any Alliglance to Spain; i have never went back to the Islands since Sept.1908, nor have gone out of the U.S. And I have served the U.S. Civil Government 13 years through U.S. Civil Service Examinations and Appointments beside the 6 years Naval Service

I will appreciate very much and thank for your kind favors Sir, I am.

Yours Very Truly
Miguel Guillera


Request for Citizenship Papers 1940 1.png


Miguel Guillera, “Miguel Guillera to US Navy (Philipino Colony Bar),” Filipino La., accessed October 23, 2024,


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